Are you Ambitious? | 10 Tips For Staying Positive and Motivated

Are you Ambitious? Perhaps my ambitions and aspirations have grasped tightly around my waist hindering and rescuing me from falling victim to the many disappointments and hardships I have faced throughout my life. Maybe my ability to continue in the race of life until my obstacle course is complete has kept me determined and focused on my goals. Whatever the reason for having long-term goals serve as my rainbow after the storm.

*Originally posted January 18, 2018

Prioritize Yourself and Stay Motivated!

Are you Ambitious?

Some days I ponder the thought that my pot of gold may not exist at the end of my rainbow, but despite my despairs, I am still a Queen. I refuse to give up, let go or stop trying. My goals are simple, to gain as much knowledge and intellectual enrichment as possible so that I remain an intelligent and positive role model for my children.

Over the many stages of my life, I have lost a lot and gained even more. I can say that despite everything I usually come out winning. It’s simple, I refuse to give up. I know that life tends to hit us when we are down, but we have to get back up and keep trying.

Here are my tips for staying positive and motivated:

  • Write down your goals! Writing down your goals makes you visually accountable and I like to date things so when I revisit my list I can have a target date.

Journaling and writing is a big part of my life. Check out my post on how to get started.

  • Make your goals achievable. I set small, short, achievable goals so I feel good when I check small accomplishments off my lists, rather than feel disappointed when I fall short of trying to reach a high long-term goal.
READ MORE  10 Simple Goals to Achieve In The Month of August!

I am highly motivated by my kids and family and that is fine with me. My physical strength is very limited but my I am strong mentally so push myself.

Are you Ambitious?
  • Dream Vivid,  I dream a lot. Closing your eyes and envisioning the result you want to achieve helps to make it a reality. The more specific you are in your dreams, the more achievable each step becomes.
  • Don’t share your dreams and goals with just anyone. The past taught me that sharing my goals with people that don’t have my best interest at heart only lead to discouraging comments. Some people are placed in our lives to test us; they will squash our dreams and make us feel incapable. Limit your dream sharing to those you know are supportive.
  • Keep a tight circle. Surround your life with friends and family that only want the best for you. For example, if you are trying to get in shape and your circle is filled with people that taunt your new eating habits or say you’re getting too skinny (when you are actually getting healthy), you may need to limit your interactions with them. Unless you are immune to negativity, discouraging people can influence your train of thought.
Are You Ambitious?

Surround Yourself With Positivity

  • Lay down all your negative thoughts. If you’ve tried to achieve a goal in the past and failed, leave that negative experience in the past especially if you are attempting to reach the same or a similar goal.
  • Find social networking groups that share your same interest. (if applicable) It is a beautiful feeling when you are surrounded by people that think similar to you!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Finding a mentor can be helpful as well. Having someone to share in your interest is couraging.
  • Ask for a hug. My life is not easy when I get overwhelmed I ask for a hug.
  • Finally, don’t give up. Staying Positive and Motivated is the key, whether you are starting your life over, or taking a scary step down a new path, you have to keep believing in yourself. If you don’t believe in YOU, no one will.
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I am not always happy, but am always positive. I always look for the rainbow at the end of the storm. I fight for a solution and when faced with adversity I never give it. Always know that there is so type of solution.

Are you ambitious?

For more positive content and to join me on my #LivingWell journey, please subscribe and follow me on my Instagram at abreak4health to watch me get my life together after a few set back.

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  1. Pingback: 10 Simple Goals to Achieve In The Month of August! | A Break 4 Mommy

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