Every Mom Needs Balance and It Is Okay


We were daughters, sisters, aunts, friends, and most importantly women before we were mothers. Our days are now filled with laundry, dinners, drop-offs and wet diapers. Some days can feel like as women we are barely getting by. We can get consumed with taking care of other and forget what life was like before others relied on us. I’m here to remind you of how to remember yourself….and that it is okay!

Cherish the moments with your family and decide that now is the best days to be the best possible for you. I truly believe that in order to be the best wife and mother you have to be in your best mental and physical health and that starts with self-care. It is important to pamper yourself on a regular no matter how limited the time and no matter how small the budget and I can help.

Life can be overwhelming and exciting, but it should never be lonely or uncomfortable. I have been through stressful jobs, an emotional roller coaster with breastfeeding, schooling etc. and I am here to tell you how to minimize the stress.

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Life as a mom and wife has to have balance. You are in the right place. I am here to help mothers just like you find balance, have fun, be inspired and live your dreams.

During the day I am a full-time certified health education specialist, but after hours I am a fun loving wife and mom that enjoys long walks in the parks, good family movies, trips to the zoo with the family and cuddling with my hubby. After I take care of my family also continue to pursue my passions and find ways to relax.

READ MORE  Dear Janelle, A Letter to My Younger Self

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