As a parent, there have been times when I am so annoyed and frustrated when trying to take my baby’s temperature when he is sick….
Tag: abreak4mommy
Finding Balance in 2016- “Happy New Year Everyone!”
Orchids love rainwater via / CC BY My Word of the Year is “Balance” Balance- I waited a few days to wish you all…
#NaBloPoMo: I’m No Mrs. Fix It or Mom the Builder
What was the last thing you fixed or built?
Mrs. Fix it to the rescue! I think NOT. These #NaBloPoMo prompts are driving me insane. I thought that having a prompt would be make it easier to blog every day, but honestly it is only making me think. (Queues laugh). I mean seriously, the last thing I fixed or built? I have no idea. Does building a castle or truck out of Mega Bloks count for anything? Sorry I am not a fixer or a builder. I have unclogged the toilet a time or two, but I am definitely not Mom the Builder. Read more
#NaBloPoMo: Finding the Time and Agenda Planning
What is the hardest part of a project: getting the energy to start on it, finding the time to work on it, or feeling down…