10 Simple Goals to Achieve In The Month of August!

Life has been so rough for me this year. It seems like only last night we were counting down the New Year and I was excited about 2019. Unfortunately, just like that my entire life changed. Before my eyes, my body was not mine anymore. I’ve been living full speed ahead but on a different track and I’m not quite sure when this roller coaster will end.

My disability and illness has reared its ugly head and I haven’t been able to pick up all the pieces just yet. I’ve lost so much and I’m trying so hard to look in the mirror and find someone that resembles me, but it is so hard and I just can’t help feeling broken.

Well the year is not over yet. One thing that has always made me feel good aside from writing is goal setting. Setting and achieving goals is something that helps keep me accountable and also something that I have always loved to looked back on to see what state of mind I was in during that season of life. I know that this is a hard stage right now and that it will eventually get better or I will eventually adjust. For now I will keep my mental health stable by working through these 10 simple goals to achieve in the month of August.

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10 Simple Goals to Achieve In the Month of August For Personal Growth

To be fair all of these goals are focused on me and to better myself. In order for me to be a better mother and wife I need to be whole first. During this stage of my relapse I need some self-healing, so August I need to focus on pouring love into me. I know September will be all about the kids and getting back into the the swing of school. So here are my goals.

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Personal Goals

  • Write 3 personal journal entries
  • Do morning stretches before rising 3x week
  • Work on my personal planner sheets

Family Goals

  • Continue working with Carter on learning to read
  • Start a series with Jasmine
  • Find a new series to start
  • Finish the summer bucker list with Carter

Business Goals

Do you ever set goals to help keep you motivated or pick you up when you are down?

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