Sears PartsDirect Change Your Refrigerator Water Filter


This is a sponsored post with Sears PartsDirect, all opinions expressed are my own.

We moved into our house a little over six years ago, a lovely newly rehabbed home perfect for our family of four. It came fully equipped with all the bells and whistles. Stainless steel appliances, refrigerator, stove, microwave and it even came with a new dishwasher, the only thing we had to purchase was a washer and dryer. It was perfect.

After about three years living in the house, our wonderful new refrigerator just stopped working one day. There we were fairly new homeowners, newly married and we needed to purchase a new refrigerator. We’d never shopped for a major appliance but the one place we remembered to turn to was Sears.


Protect Your Appliances

After we got the new refrigerator, I wanted to make sure that we always kept up to date on all of our appliances. I now register everything we purchase so that we get to make sure that we keep up with our warranties because the issue with our old refrigerator was that we didn’t have the documents to know how to register the warranty.

Here are a few tips to help stay on top of your refrigerator maintenance:

Clean the Condenser Coils

Yes, you need to clean the condenser coils, who knew! Well, we found out when we called our home warranty company. The repairman showed us where the coils were and how to clean it, I never knew this was a thing. It is important to clean your condenser coil because when it is dirty, the refrigerator is using more energy to operate and this can cause your fridge to burn out sooner rather than later. You can clean your coils with a brush or vacuum, be sure to read your manual first.

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Change Your Refrigerator Water Filter

It is very important to change the water filter in your refrigerator because overtime your filter becomes less effective because impurities get trapped inside of the filters. When the water filter is filled with impurities you might notice that the water starts to flow slower and it’s going to start to taste not as good and you might also have a smell. Sears PartsDirect has a water filter subscription program that can help.

How Sears PartsDirect Refrigerator Water Filter Subscription Program Works

If you are anything like me, you’re always forgetting to change your filters. Manufacturers recommend changing the refrigerator water filter every six months. Lucky for us, Sears PartsDirect has a refrigerator water filters subscription program that you can enroll in and have your filters automatically scheduled to be delivered directly to your door when you need them.

It is easy to subscribe. You simply visit Sears and if you’re unsure which water filter fits your refrigerator, you can use the Water Filter Finder to locate a water filter designed for your refrigerator.

You sign up for the subscription when you checkout, plus it ships FREE when you have a subscription! Skip a shipment or cancel at any time. It’s that easy.

Visit Sears PartsDirect for subscriptions to water filter replacements, genuine replacement parts, repair parts and more.

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