Connect Here On A Break 4 Mommy

A Break 4 Mommy provides parents with resources, advice, budget, and wellness. Parents and families are the largest consumers on the market and I want to provide them with trusted advice.
My passion for writing began when I was 7 years old and my love for creating fiction transformed into a desire to write poetry and share my stories with others as a way to help them.
I began blogging in 2005, through online writing, I found a niche for helping others. For me, blogging has always been about finding ways to communicate better with others and relationship building.I want to share with you some of the many things I’ve learned from being a mom and from being a professional. It isn’t always easy, trust me we may cry along the way and sometimes kick and scream, but it will be a fun adventure.I’ve had many challenges, but helping people is what I do!

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