As the end of the year grows closer, I tend to reflect on the things that I am thankful for the most. This year has been very difficult for me – it is safe to say this has been the most challenging times of my life thus far. I decided to finish out my year by finding 30 ways to show gratitude during my daily interactions.
Learning to have a more positive attitude helps create a happier, healthier environment. When you take time out of life to show gratitude to the things in your life you start to notice how beautiful the world around you really becomes.

30 Ways to Show Gratitude – Choose Something To Do Daily
- Give long random hugs to the people you love- remind them that they are special with a long a hug for no reason
- Call your friends more often- instead of sending a text message, make a phone call to a friend
- Tell your spouse you love them more often-
- Look for beauty in things-
- Give a genuine compliment to someone about something that you admire
- Say “thank you” for something small so show appreciation
- Send a loving email to your spouse
- Cuddle with your spouse a little longer in bed
- Buy a few extra pairs of gloves and hand them out to the homeless
- Smile at someone just because so it brightens their day!
- Put your phone away and be in the moment
- Hold your teen’s hand and go for a walk – this could go a long way with a teen you are trying to bond with
- Plan a coffee date with a friend you have not seen a while
- Let someone know exactly why you are appreciative of them – give an example of something that they have done and share details of why are grateful
- Offer to do a chore to make someone’s load a little lighter
- Ask someone if they need anything and listen for their “need”
- Be a little more patient
- Listen without speaking
- Be encouraging to those that are feeling down
- Cook a meal together with your family
- Cuddle with your kids
- Watch your spouse’s favorite TV series
- Wake up 5 minutes earlier to say affirmations
- Leave love notes for your family members to find
- Praise your kids when they do something small
- Bake a treat for someone special in your life
- Listen to your partner’s insight
- Turn up the music and dance for no reason
- Take a walk together
- Give your partner the night off and time for themselves
Showing gratitude is as simple as reminding someone that you love them. We can easily get lost in everyday life and not show our affection to others. If for a moment in your day you press pause and let someone know they are your top priority, having a positive attitude has a positive effect on your health and life.

For more positive content and to join me on my #LivingWell journey, please follow me on my Instagram at abreak4mommy to watch me get my life together after a few set back.