Pumpkins, Donuts and Fall Fun at Konow’s Corn Maze in Homer Glen, IL

Konow’s Corn Maze is a family friendly pumpkin farm and corn maze located in Homer Glen, IL. The weekend was great. I was excited about the farm all week, probably more than my daughter and son. I just love the colors of fall, and it was a little chilly that day so I dressed them in layers and we invited by friend and her son along for the fun.konow's

The weather warmed up a lot as we joined in on the activities.

The first thing the boys did was ran straight to the bouncing pillow that had way too many big kids on it for my little guy. I was terrified.

I didn’t get a picture because I was too busy trying to get him down. My friend, Keisha took him up (that’s her holding her son in the black jacket).  Trust me I reason the fear, but my son was happy to be jumping.

My daughter spotted the horses so we took them to ride the horses.  My son even got a chance to ride with me hold him.

Konow's Corn

Next, it was on the climbing the stacks of high, and you can see from the above picture they actually got me to climb it. Next it was on to lunch. That is a pork chop on the stick that Jasmine is eating. The prices were reasonable and the food was good. Konow's Corn

Konow's Corn

After lunch we headed to play in some kernels, literally. I think this was everyone’s favorite.

Konw's Corn




Konow's Corn

Finally it was time for pumpkins. Konow's Corn

Overall we had a great time at Konow’s Corn Maze. Looking at the changing colors of the trees and the different array of orange pumpkins, reminds me that fall is my favorite season.  It is hard to believe the year is coming to an end.  Fall kicks off the start of the holiday season. I’m thinking it is time for Christmas shopping.

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