Zedity: Free Plug-In To Change Your Blog Appearance


What Is Zedity?

Zedity enables anyone to create amazing WordPress posts and pages super easily, completely visually and with no technical skill required. Create the webpages of your dream. 

I was offered an opportunity to try this Plug-In at a discounted price for my honest review and opinion.

The Plug-in is designed to give bloggers a chance to have more flexibility with the layout and design of their website without the need to use or know coding, which is something I was extremely excited to try. I have been wanting to play around with the theme and structure of my website for a while now but I don’t have a lot of spare time to learn anything new.


This review is an example of the Zedity plugin in action, I used it to create this post. I think over time I will get better. Overall I give it an A+.


Powered by Zedity

Zedity is a revolutionary content builder to create your WordPress posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! 

With absolutely no coding skill required, Zedity enables anyone to create professional content super easily and quickly. With a modern and sleek user interface, support for touchscreen devices, responsive design and many features that can be used in just few clicks, Zedity Premium Plugin takes your WordPress experience to the next level.

You can download a premium version of Zedity for WordPress here

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