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HARRY’S Razors|Just pay $3 Get a FREE Trial Set of Razors and Shave Gel
Order your FREE Trial Set of Harry’s Razors and Shave Gel from HARRY’S. Just pay $3 for shipping. #harrysrazors
Get Organized For Back-to-School With Name Bubbles
Name Bubbles makes it so easy to get my things in order around the house, in the kids’ room, and for the things that I know that they have to take into the classroom once we all head back to school in Fall.
Sears PartsDirect Change Your Refrigerator Water Filter
If you are anything like me you’re always forgetting to change your filters. Manufacturers recommend changing the refrigerator water filter every six months. Lucky for us, Sears PartsDirect has a refrigerator water filters subscription program that you can enroll in and have your filters automatically scheduled to be delivered directly to your door when you need them.