Redan Publishing Fun Interactive Magazines: A Great Gift for Kids

**Note: In accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255 I am disclosing that I received this product free to review. No other compensation was given.  All opinions are completely my own.

Fun Magazines for Preschool & Older

Magazines can be a great gift to receive. I love giving educational toys and what better way to do that than by giving the gift of reading. I am always encouraging my kids to read, including my little 1 year old.   Read more

On A Road to Financial Freedom: #FINDNewRoads

I account for every dime I Spend

Financial power or shall I say freedom, is something I yearn for. To be debt free would bring me such peace of mind. I remember sitting in my undergraduate elective class “Personal Financial Decision Making” my senior year in college. The course was an all day, one week long class for credit held over during the holiday break.  Its core focus was to teach us how to take control of our financial future. My finances at that time were in shambles. I’d done what most college students, I’d gotten credit cards from the different companies that hover over campuses like vultures waiting for the next broke student to apply and take their free t-shirt. This class was about to teach me something I’d cherish for a lifetime. Read more

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