Embracing Your Curls And Loving Your Hair | A Mixed Chicks Style

Being the mommy to a beautiful brown skinned teenaged girl is always an adventure. From the time she was a little a girl she had a head full of amazing thick hair and she hated to have it combed. I probably hated combing it just as much as she did, only because she found it so tormenting.

At a very early age, I decided to teach her not only to embrace her texture but also how to manage her curls.  Her hair journey started with my hair journey. If I was going to raise a little girl with curls, she had to see mommy love her curls first. My story is a little different from most, I’ve been natural my entire life. I guess I was what some would call a “heat natural”. I never had a relaxer.

My mother would straighten, “hot comb” or “press” my hair every about once a month it was long, silky and overall healthy. I loved it.  As I got older I noticed that when I would put conditioner in my hair I would love how the texture of curls felt and I wished that my hair would stay that way after the wash, but unfortunately, it never did.

Embracing Your Curls

At the age of 21 on a random trip to the salon, a stylist introduced me to a twist out and I fell in love. This was before co-washing, braid-out and hair tutorials were popular so I had no idea what I was doing. I wore my hair in braid outs and twist out from time to time and felt myself growing a relationship with my curls. After I learned to lather on the conditioner in the shower and let my fingers the walking, I felt empowered.

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When my daughter was born her hair grew fast, full and had a tighter curl pattern than mine. With her frustration, I knew I had to teach her about her hair and the sooner the better.

Most people shy away from letting young kids comb through their curls, but I started allowing her to soak her hair in conditioner around the age of 9 and glide the wide tooth comb through the curls. One of my tips to moms of girls with curly hair is to allow them to touch and feel their hair at an early age because when it becomes their responsibility they will know how to handle it.

Hair is an extension of us and we should be taught to care for it like the other parts of our body. #Curlyhair Share on X

Mixed Chicks leave-in conditioner was one of the first conditioners I used on both our curls during the early years. My daughter loves hydrating her curls with the conditioner.

She has grown in her process and now can style her hair on her own.  She mixes up her style between straight, buns, twist-outs, two strand twists and so much more. She got her hands on the new Mixed Chicks line and she creates this very cute Goddess Twist with a high bun.  What I love most about the new Mixed Chicks line is how you can use each product for more than one purpose and how well they keep your hair moisturized throughout the week.

Check out her how to video below

*This post is Sponsored by Mixed Chicks

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