Halloween Costume Ideas for Toddlers and Teens

Finding the best Halloween costume is as much fun for me as it is for kids and having a great costume is fun for kids of all ages. One of the best things about Halloween is choosing your costume and getting dressed up. I love seeing my kids get excited about their Halloween costumes. This year we ordered the kids Halloween costumes from Oriental Trading and found costumes to fit both their personalities.

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Halloween Costume

My daughter loves dressing up. She found this cute Katniss from Hunger Games costume. Hunger Games is one of her favorite movies. This Katniss Everdeen costume is perfect for any Halloween party, or event your teen may be attending. She thought this was a great Halloween costume for our upcoming events.

Halloween Costume

My son wanted to be a skeleton for his Halloween costume. So he chose this adorable Happy Skeleton Costume. Kids can wear this costume to Trick or Treat. This outfit is perfect because it is not scary, but perfect for little ones that want “feel” scary and “creepy”.

My kids already had a chance to wear their costumes to Boo! at the Zoo and we plan to wear them again on Halloween to go Trick or Treating in the neighborhood.

If you haven’t had a chance to get your Halloween costume yet, hurry over to Oriental Trading and have it shipped directly to your door. Sizing is great and they have a wide variety, while you are there don’t forget the candy.

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