Skydeck Chicago Opens Early This Holiday Weekend, Celebrate On The Ledge


Skydeck Chicago is one of my favorite local places to visit with the family.  It is also a great place to take any out-of-town guest. This Saturday and Sunday, Skydeck Chicago will be opening one hour early, at 8am, to allow visitors and local Chicagoans ample time to experience the spectacular views of up to 50 miles and four states from atop Willis Tower. Come celebrate your July 4th weekend on the Ledge.


For those looking for a standout Instagram photo, The Ledge is sure to impress. At 1,353 feet up, The Ledge’s glass boxes extend out 4.3 feet from the skyscraper’s Skydeck on the 103rd floor.  If you remember in my post earlier this Spring, my daughter and I had a chance to visit and were about to take some fantastic pictures on the ledge.

Skydeck Chicago attracts more than 1.7 million visitors annually; it’s an ideal family activity for those looking for a fun outing this holiday weekend.

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