UnitedHealthcare: Understanding the Importance of Health Insurance

Prior to being diagnosed with a chronic illness I always knew the importance of having health insurance and I have always made sure that I was covered. After my diagnosis, it became apparent that I not only need to be insured I needed to understand my benefits. I needed to know all the terminology associated with choosing a provider. If you never had to experience the difference between a PPO and HMO would understand how each one works?

UnitedHealthcare offers health insurance plans to meet the needs of everyone and wants to help you learn and understand your options. When you visit the interactive website you will have a chance to watch an informative video and take 3 quizzes. The website is very easy to use.

UnitedHealthcare Website

On the UnitedHealthcare website  you can play 3 different games about your health plan for a chance to win a $500 gift card. I played around on the site and it only takes you a few minutes to learn more.

1. Health Basics 1 2 3 Quiz: 3 quiz questions on common health care terms


2. Perfect Match: Matching health care terms and definitions in this concentration game

3. Look and Learn: Watch the “I Enrolled in My Plan, What Now?” video & quiz question.


It is important to understand that each year your health insurance needs may change. If you are educated on how it works you can make an informative decision to choose the best company and what is best for you and your family.

I would love to know your experiences with different health care plans. After you have learned the basics if you need a healthcare plan, #UnitedHealthcare can help you sign up.

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