Mamaway Ring Sling Baby Carrier

I wanted a Ring Sling after the birth of my son. He is now 16 months so I was more than happy to do this review for him as a toddler.I really like this carry. Recently Mamaway sent me a Ring Sling to try out and review.I must admit it took me a few tries and Youtube videos in order to figure this one out. The scan code on the box does not scan the instructions in English, so do not waste your time. There tutorials online from the company, but I didn’t find those helpful. I found the Youtube videos much more helpful and after a while I was able to figure it out. I am still going to need a little more practice before I take my baby out in the carrier.

Obviously, everybody has different preferences and requirements that they need from their ring sling. This means that the Mamaway sling might not be the best option for you. Look around online to learn more about the different brands and types. In fact, you can take a look at this article on the TOP-5 Best Ring Slings of 2020 how to choose the right one for you. It’s always worth doing a little extra research, even if I think the Mamaway sling is a good product.

So, when is the best time to start using a baby carrier for your baby? Is there a certain time to start and stop? Obviously it will take a toll on your back once your baby gets heavier. You can use this baby carrier guide to make sure you and your baby will be safe and healthy.

READ MORE  My Babies Are My Everything!

ring sling

A plus is that unlike other carriers with the ring sling you don’t need assistance getting your child in. You can do it alone. Also it is one size fits all, therefore you can share it with your partner.

It is easier to use than the carrier I had previously because it is only one piece of fabric and it would have been great when I was breastfeeding. You can cover your baby directly in the sling. My son weighs almost 30 pounds and I have issues with my back due to health issues and this makes carrying him easier.

Overall I am happy. I am excited to try it during the summer months. I am excited to try it during the summer months.

This product was sent to me at a discounted price for my honest and unbiased review.

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8 thoughts on “Mamaway Ring Sling Baby Carrier”

  1. My 15 month old is almost 30 pounds, too and is too big for her carrier. I think I need to try this one out, I have heard great things about ring slings. Thanks for sharing!

  2. From reviewing the company it can fit babies up to 100lbs there are some great Youtubers out there out. One of my favorites had her three year old there. Just search Youtube for RingSling toddler reviews. Once I can get him comfortably I am hoping to put my own my review up. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I think it is worth the investment, only because of how long it last. This thing could last your child through toddler stage. I had one that was given to me as gift, but we out grew it by 8 months and it wasn’t cheap.

  4. My 15 month old is almost 30 pounds, too and is too big for her carrier. I think I need to try this one out, I have heard great things about ring slings. Thanks for sharing!

  5. From reviewing the company it can fit babies up to 100lbs there are some great Youtubers out there out. One of my favorites had her three year old there. Just search Youtube for RingSling toddler reviews. Once I can get him comfortably I am hoping to put my own my review up. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I think it is worth the investment, only because of how long it last. This thing could last your child through toddler stage. I had one that was given to me as gift, but we out grew it by 8 months and it wasn’t cheap.

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