Summer Learning: We Continue Schooling Throughout the Summer

summerlearningAlthough it has been HOT, today is officially the first day of Summer. I thought I ‘d share with you our summer learning plan. We live in Chicago and I love my city despite the negative attention that it receives on a regular. Each time you turn on the news there is something being reported. We are living in what seems to be a growing darkening city and state. Each day we have two small people that we are responsible for. We do our best to raise our children to be respectful, intelligent and kind individuals. . I find being able to help your children in areas of weakness when it comes to school is worthwhile. They are able to learn from their mistakes and progress.

Regardless of the negative reports there is beauty all around us and this summer will not be any different. I will find pleasure in our parks, the lakefront, beaches, museums, and most importantly my family.

My Disappointment

The one thing that does continue to disappoints me to the core is the crumbling Chicago public school system. Our daughter attends one of the more privileged and top tiered public schools in our state according to test scores and public records. However, we found that even with those standards, it doesn’t measure up. We won’t be fooled by the reports or let the public school system fail our family. Read more

“I Have Butterflies In My Tummy” Preschooler/ Toddler Video

Do you have a little one that gets nervous or is about to experience a first time without you? The first day of preschool or kindergarten can be scary for a child. Training Wheels Needed has the most adorable video about getting over your fears. Charlie’s first day of school is coming up, and he is nervous about what is going to happen. He tells his mom right before bed that he has butterflies in his tummy and so begins his adventure. Read more

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