Facebook Shared My Memory, On This Day: “When It Rain, It”

Facebook is great for reminding us of our memories. It pops up pictures we’ve shared or quotes we’ve highlighted throughout  our years while sharing our life publicly. If you are anything like me you are mindful of what you type in the status bar. Obviously if Facebook is keeping a a record to remind us of all those cute pictures we share, someone, somewhere has a record of that status we posted 2 years ago that we might care to forget. I enjoy looking back on my memories. For the most part I can remember exactly how I was feeling in the moment I posted my status. Today Facebook  reminded of a blog post I wrote 6 years ago to date on my old blog. I decided to share my thoughts from then here unedited.  Read more

Summer Reading Program at Chicago Public Library, Get Free Books

When I found out about the summer reading program at our public library last week, I couldn’t wait to share the news with my daughter. We love to read in my family. I read to both my babies while I was pregnant. My daughter started reading when she was 4 years old and continues her love for books now. I am working to pass the love for books on to my son. I think reading to kids early helps them enjoy the idea of reading. I love the fact that she prefers to have a good old fashion book her hand instead of E-book. That being said, E-books are a highly-regarded and popular format of reading material that many people now prefer to use. As a result, many authors may now be thinking about how to publish an ebook of their own, so that more readers will have the opportunity to sink their teeth into their novel. It’s not a bad idea, but as my daughter knows, there is nothing better than holding and flicking through the pages of a physical book.

summer readingEarlier this week I took the kiddos to our local library to sign up for Rahm’s Readers Summer Learning Challenge. The summer reading challenge is giving away 12 books to each child that is registered aged 0-13. It is open to all Chicago residents that are interested. Sign up began on Monday, June 20th and will continue through September 1. However the free books are available while supplies last. Read more

Summer Learning: We Continue Schooling Throughout the Summer

summerlearningAlthough it has been HOT, today is officially the first day of Summer. I thought I ‘d share with you our summer learning plan. We live in Chicago and I love my city despite the negative attention that it receives on a regular. Each time you turn on the news there is something being reported. We are living in what seems to be a growing darkening city and state. Each day we have two small people that we are responsible for. We do our best to raise our children to be respectful, intelligent and kind individuals. . I find being able to help your children in areas of weakness when it comes to school is worthwhile. They are able to learn from their mistakes and progress.

Regardless of the negative reports there is beauty all around us and this summer will not be any different. I will find pleasure in our parks, the lakefront, beaches, museums, and most importantly my family.

My Disappointment

The one thing that does continue to disappoints me to the core is the crumbling Chicago public school system. Our daughter attends one of the more privileged and top tiered public schools in our state according to test scores and public records. However, we found that even with those standards, it doesn’t measure up. We won’t be fooled by the reports or let the public school system fail our family. Read more

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