Redan Publishing Fun Interactive Magazines: A Great Gift for Kids

**Note: In accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255 I am disclosing that I received this product free to review. No other compensation was given.  All opinions are completely my own.

Fun Magazines for Preschool & Older

Magazines can be a great gift to receive. I love giving educational toys and what better way to do that than by giving the gift of reading. I am always encouraging my kids to read, including my little 1 year old.  He is just so adorable holding books up to his eyes and mumbling as if he is reading. He flips the pages and points. I did the same thing with my daughter, whose now 12 years old. I think it is never too early to start instilling a joy for books in their heart.

Recently I was given the opportunity to try some wonderful kid friendly interactive magazines. The company, Redan Publising Inc sent me 10 different and colorful magazines to try and review.


The magazines are fun to read, but are also loaded with fun activities. I had a great time reading to my son and since my daughter is older she enjoyed the activities and reading to him as well. The Marvel series is a great for the older kids. Disney Junior is an excellent fit for the little ones. There is a magazine for all ages 2-12. They are great for preschool to elementary school aged kids and as you can see from the picture the selection was large. The magazine are made of a nice sturdy material and can withstand a spill on the cover.  It’s not the typical paper cover. These are well worth purchasing, your kids are going to love them. This makes a great gift because we all know how much kids love getting mail. Redan Publishing Inc is offering my blog viewers a special discounted offer plus a FREE bonus issue for ordering. Go to go and click on the magazine cover with your child’s favorite character to order.

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